[ CityVet App Analysis + Recommendations ]

I’ve always been interested in UI/UX, so I jumped on the opportunity to own this project. I thoroughly analyzed the CityVet app and the apps of our top three competitors. You can see a huge disparity between what we currently have and what our competitors have. So from there, I created a list of recommendations for how we can improve the CityVet app. I presented this to the C-suite by myself (!!), which was a little scary, but I got really awesome feedback. The CTO even went out of his way to email our CMO to tell her I did a great job! So crazy, but I felt really proud of the work I put into this presentation and now I’m assigned to lead the app revamp project on the marketing side.

This project is password-protected. If you are a potential employer, please contact me at sophiezhang@utexas.edu or message me on LinkedIn for the password!


CityVet App Redesign


CityVet "Animals We Own"