
Avid foodie, travel enthusiast, casual climber.

Those are a few words I would use to describe myself. I’ve always had a passion for exploring new things: ideas, experiences, foods, etc…

There’s this sense of excitement I get from experiencing something new, and that excitement has led me to 15 countries, including three study abroad experiences (twice in South Korea and once in Singapore). Living abroad taught me so much about both myself and the world–the incredible people you meet, the endless adventures… It reminds me that there’s so much that I have yet to explore and pushes me to escape my comfort zone.

Some of my other hobbies include climbing (bouldering, to be specific), making use of my quarterly Crunchyroll subscription, trying to keep up with my language learning (mainly Korean, starting Japanese), posting on my foodie IG account, and reading a book once in a blue moon. I also enjoy spending time with my boyfriend, who is my best friend and biggest supporter. <3