[ CityVet App Redesign ]

As a designer who is very tech-savvy, I’ve always been interested in product design. When CityVet began to improve their digital touchpoints, I jumped on the opportunity to lead the initiative for the app redesign. I downloaded Figma and taught myself the basics with the help of my product designer friend. Over a few months, I completely redesigned the visuals and navigation of the app to create a more intuitive, visually-appealing app experience. When the new build launched on the app store beginning of April 2024, it felt so cool and unreal that the app that I designed was on the official App Store with real users.

The prototype isn’t perfect, since my part in the process focused mostly on visuals over functionality. I was able to give this prototype to CityVet’s outsourced developers so they could apply what I designed to the app.

I had an original design that I created (which I like better, and it’s included off to the side of the draft file), but I was asked to edit my design to be closer to the original app design, since they initially wanted it to be more of a “reskin” effort, as opposed to a complete redesign.

If you are interested in seeing what the original CityVet app looked like, check my “CityVet App Analysis + Recommendations” project! It is a HUGE difference to say the least.


CityVet App Analysis + Recommendations